A vocation is a call from God to share intimately in His inner life of love. Out of His love, the Lord has created you and you alone for a specific mission. Your vocation is His invitation for you to share in saving the world as a single or married person, as a priest or religious.
The priesthood is a divinely instituted sacrament begun by Christ at the Last Supper in order to continue His ministry in the world. The priesthood is not an occupation, a job, or a profession. Instead, it is a life of loving service to God and neighbor.
What does a Parish Priest do?
The parish priest does a little bit of everything. He is sometimes described as a jack-of-all-trades. He baptizes the babies, marries the lovers, anoints the sick and dying, and visits the ill or the imprisoned. He hears and forgives the sins of his people, celebrates the Eucharist, gives a listening ear to the troubled, comforts the widow, and prays for the dead. Sometimes, all in one day!